Christmas Tree Farms: Tips for a Great Trip | Men's Athletic & Outdoor Shoes Reviews

Christmas Tree Farms: Tips for a Great Trip

Before leaving your house you may want to part your ceiling height and the width of the space for the tree. Then take a measuring tape with you to use to part the tree. It can get pretty cold outdoors when you get out of your vehicle and start hunting for a tree so you should dress accordingly. It can also get muddy on warmer days so you may want to wear some good outdoor shoes or boots. If you are driving in a field where Christmas trees have already been cut be sure to stay on the roadways to avoid stumps which may cause damage to your vehicle.

Keep a close watch over your children while in the field hunting for a Christmas tree. There may be stumps or even holes in the ground where trees have been dug. When the ground is covered with even a thin layer of snow, these can be hard to see. A truck is the handiest way to transport a Christmas tree but if you don't have passage to a truck you can all the time tie it to the top of your car.

If you are going to tie the tree to the top of your vehicle you may want to bring a tarp or old blanket to protect the top of your vehicle. It's also not a bad idea to wholly wrap the tree for the drive home if it is a long drive. This will help keep the tree from drying out. You will also need to bring some tie-downs, rope or twine. Twine works well if you don't have a rack on top of the car and need to go straight through the windows or doors.

If you are not going to a tree farm that provides hand saws then you will need to bring your own saw. It is also handy to bring along some plastic or a tarp to put on the ground so that you don't have to kneel or lay in the snow or mud while cutting the tree. Some good gloves and a long sleeve coat or jacket will also help keep you comfortable. Some tree are quite prickly if you have to grab them to haul them back to your vehicle. You also may want to bring along your camera to narrative some great family memories.

Christmas Tree Farms: Tips for a Great Trip

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